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Aggregate Cards
Aggregate Cards

See the most important metrics in your business at a glance

Tom Rohlf avatar
Written by Tom Rohlf
Updated over a week ago

Aggregate card overview

Aggregate cards enable you to get a high-level overview of how you are performing on your most important metrics at a glance. Each aggregate card displays three metrics as well as a comparison to a different time range for each.

Changing a metric

You can change the metric on an aggregate card in two ways. The easiest way is to click directly on the current metric on the front of the card. A drop-down menu will appear and you can select any metric from the list.

The data displayed on the card will refresh and show the newly selected metric.

The second way to change your metric is from the card settings menu.

  1. Navigate to the three-dot menu in the top right of any card

  2. Click "Card settings"

  3. Select the metric drop-down that you'd like to change and then select the metric you wish to see

  4. Save your changes

Changing a time comparison

You can change the time comparison range on an aggregate card in two ways. The easiest way is to click directly on the current time comparison on the front of the card. A drop-down menu will appear and you can select any comparison option from the list.

The data displayed on the card will refresh and show the newly selected comparison option.

The second way to change your comparison time range is from the card settings menu.

  1. Navigate to the three-dot menu in the top right of any card

  2. Click "Card settings"

  3. Select the "compare with" drop-down that you'd like to change and then select the time range you wish to see

  4. Save your changes

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