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Hiding SKUs in Junglytics
Hiding SKUs in Junglytics

Read this to learn how to hide skus from your Junglytics dashboards

Tom Rohlf avatar
Written by Tom Rohlf
Updated over a week ago

Hiding old SKUs in Junglytics improves your experience by eliminating noise from your data.

Steps to remove SKUs from Junglytics:

  1. Navigate to the catalog tab in the top navigation

  2. Download your current catalog by clicking the "export data" button

  3. When the file is finished processing you'll see a download button appear at the bottom of the screen. Download the file and locate it on your computer. Open it in excel or another spreadsheet.

  4. Once inside the spreadsheet find column M titled, "Hidden?"

  5. For any SKU that you want to hide from your dashboards enter "TRUE" into the corresponding row

  6. While you're here consider adding alias names in column K to make your titles more readable in Junglytics and adding COGS data for any SKUs that you'd like to have more accurate profit metrics for.

  7. Export your sheet with cost data as a CSV

  8. Return to the catalog page inside Junglytics. Click the "import data" button and find the file you just saved as a CSV.

  9. The skus you marked "TRUE" in step 5 should now be removed from your dashboards. Remember you can reverse this process by removing "TRUE" from any SKU to add them back.

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