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Junglytics Assistant: Introduction & Basics
Junglytics Assistant: Introduction & Basics

An AI-powered Assistant helping Amazon sellers get answers to their data questions

Tom Rohlf avatar
Written by Tom Rohlf
Updated over a week ago

What Is Junglytics Assistant?

Junglytics Assistant is a virtual helper designed to assist users who sell products on the Amazon marketplace. It specializes in analyzing business metrics to provide insights and data visualization to support Amazon sellers in making informed decisions to improve their sales and business operations.

Junglytics can:

  • Provide instant updates on Amazon business metrics. Ex: “Analyze how my advertising performance changed from last week to the previous week. I prefer tables over charts.”

  • Engage in dialogues to find deep insights and answer complex data-related questions. Ex: “I need help building a replenishment plan for my top-selling product. Let’s go step by step.”

  • Share best practices for selling on Amazon. Ex: “My listing page is underperforming. How can I improve my images and text?”

  • Provide advice and guidance on what to do next. Ex: “How can I increase the return on my advertising spend in December?”

  • And so much more.

Common use cases

Junglytics Assistant tracks more than 40 metrics to deliver fast answers to your questions. Amazon sellers can track progress, discover trends, and get advice about growing their business.

Some use cases include:

  • Seeing top KPIs in an instant

  • Tracking advertising metrics

  • Comparing KPIs from separate time periods

  • Investigating your success in a specific region

  • Checking date-specific events (such as listing changes) to see how they affected traffic, conversions, and the like

  • Generating summaries of how your business is performing for certain segments (region, product, time frame, etc.)

  • Getting suggestions on how you can improve your performance based on your sales and advertising data

  • Visualizing how metrics are changing over time

General do’s for Junglytics Assistant

Here’s how to work well with your Junglytics Assistant:

  • Do ask data-related questions

  • Do ask for clarification about what certain metrics mean

  • Do provide context for your inquiries (i.e. timeframe, region, etc.)

  • Do ask for information in specific formats (e.g. a table instead of a chart)

  • Do ask about specific product lines, product variations, ASINs, regions, and more

  • Do ask the Assistant to email you performance summaries (weekly or monthly)

  • Do ask for advice about how to improve business performance

  • Do use your own expertise when evaluating the Assistant’s advice

If the answer Junglytics Assistant delivers is too long, you can ask the AI to summarize its answer for easier readability.

General don’ts for Junglytics Assistant

To get the most out of your interactions with the Junglytics Assistant, avoid the following activities:

  • Don’t ask irrelevant questions. Junglytics Assistant’s primary function is retrieving and analyzing business metrics. It cannot and doesn’t provide answers to irrelevant questions (e.g. cooking recipes or who will win the Super Bowl).

  • Don’t change the persona. Junglytics Assistant has a built-in persona, designed to deliver key insights about your Amazon business data. The Assistant will not accept prompts requesting that it change its persona or purpose.

  • Don’t ask about competitors. While the Junglytics Assistant can provide advice, it cannot give you specific information about other sellers.

Getting started

Once you’ve selected a plan and connected your Amazon accounts, you’ll have access to Junglytics Assistant. To start using Assistant, click the “Assistant” tab in the left column.

The left column will keep a history of your past conversations.

To start a new conversation, simply click the “New Chat” button at the bottom of the column. Use the text box to type your message, or select from the common prompts that appear when you open a new conversation.

Assistant functionality

Junglytics Assistant offers the following functionalities to assist Amazon sellers in analyzing their sales and business performance:

  • Aggregate Visualization: The Assistant can summarize a business metric or multiple metrics for a specific time range into a single value, allowing sellers to get a quick overview of their business's key performance indicators—like revenue, profit, or units sold.

  • Table Visualization: The Assistant can show a table with the value of a metric grouped by various dimensions such as product, SKU, marketplace, or time period—and can sort the results in ascending or descending order based on the metric.

  • Time Series Visualization: The Assistant can display a chart or graph showing a time series of business metrics, offering insights into trends and patterns over time. This can help sellers understand how metrics like sales, advertising spend, or profit margins have evolved.

The Assistant also provides filters for specific countries (marketplaces) and products, ensuring that the analysis is relevant to the user's specific needs.

Additionally, the Assistant uses clear and helpful text communication to explain data and educate users, enhancing their understanding and proficiency in online selling.

If you want the information presented in a specific format (such as a chart, table, table with dates as columns, etc.), you can prompt your Assistant to do so.

Getting the most out of your Junglytics Assistant

When it comes to Conversational AI solutions, you get out of it what you put into it.

In other words, if you ask Junglytics Assistant generic questions, it’ll give you generic answers. Conversely, it will provide you with in-depth answers to in-depth questions.

For example, if you want to know your total advertising cost of sale for each of your products in March, you can simply ask this question and get a response.

But what if you want to go in-depth on a specific challenge? Ask the Junglytics Assistant to work with you on that issue. Here’s an example: “Let's create a replenishment plan for my top-selling product step-by-step.”

Engaging in back-and-forth communication is the best way to get the most out of your Junglytics Assistant. During your conversations, you (or the Assistant) might encounter new questions and opportunities. Keep following those interactions to see where it takes you.

Sample prompts for Junglytics Assistant

Junglytics Assistant can answer a variety of user prompts. Simply type in your prompt and start communicating with your Assistant. Here are some sample prompts to get you started, but feel free to experiment with the tool to learn more.

  • I updated the main image on my listing on Jan 1st, did it help?

  • Provide a detailed summary of my business last month

  • How profitable are each of my products in Germany?

  • How is my advertising performing for each of my product lines?

  • Which products are hurting my profitability? How might I improve their performance?

  • Highlight a few notable changes in my business last week

  • What was the ad performance like for my top-selling product over the past 30 days?

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