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Adding aliases to your product lines (Parent ASINs)
Adding aliases to your product lines (Parent ASINs)

Learn how to add nicknames for your products that make sense to you

Tom Rohlf avatar
Written by Tom Rohlf
Updated over a week ago

Adding product line name aliases to Junglytics gets rid of keyword-stuffed titles and makes your experience more streamlined.

Steps to add product line aliases to Junglytics:

  1. Navigate to the catalog tab in the top navigation

  2. Download your current catalog by clicking the "export data" button

  3. When the file is finished processing you'll see a download button appear at the bottom of the screen. Download the file and locate it on your computer. Open it in excel or another spreadsheet.

  4. Once inside the spreadsheet, you can enter a name alias in column K titled "Product Name Alias.

    1. Tip: for those with parent-child relationship products you can filter to show only parent ASINs by filtering column C (Child ASIN) to show only blank cells.

  5. Add your alias name in column K to each parent ASIN in your primary marketplace

    1. Note: If there are two rows for each parent add the alias name to both of them

  6. You can ignore any additional marketplaces that you sell in as they will all inherit the alias name from your primary marketplace.

  7. While you're here consider adding COGS in column L to see accurate profit metrics in Junglytics and hiding any SKUs that you don't want to show up in your dashboards.

  8. Export your sheet with cost data as a CSV

  9. Return to the catalog page inside Junglytics. Click the "import data" button and find the file you just saved as a CSV.

  10. Your product name aliases are now live in Junglytics. Navigate to a dashboard and check out your simplified experience without all the keywords!

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